According to the latest statistics from the Swedish egg industry, the proportion of hens kept in cages decreased to just under one percent in 2024. This means that over 90,000 hens have been saved from a life of confinement. Project 1882 firmly recommends a cage ban to phase out the remaining cages.
When Project 1882 started working to phase out cages 17 years ago, around 40 percent of laying hens in Sweden were kept in cages. As more companies have been persuaded to remove cage eggs from their products, this figure has dropped to less than one percent. These efforts have saved over 90,000 hens from being kept in cages in just one year, and over two million hens in total since 2008. This is based on recalculated statistics from the Swedish egg industry’s trade association.
The movement against cages is also gaining momentum across Europe. For example, in January 2025, Slovenia took a significant step by saying no to cages, further strengthening the push for a future without cages across the continent.
− The significant reduction in the number of caged hens in Sweden this year indicates that many companies have honoured their commitments to phase out their use of cage eggs. This achievement is the culmination of many years of dedicated efforts by Project 1882. It is now imperative for the Swedish government to finalize this transition with a ban on cages, states Benny Andersson, CEO of Project 1882.
As a result of Project 1882’s advocacy efforts, food chains, wholesalers, restaurants, and consumers now almost entirely exclude cage eggs from their purchases. However, 76,500 hens remain in cages in Sweden, and the phase-out could stall in 2025. Cage eggs are still used in ingredients and pharmaceutical manufacturing, which consumers find harder to avoid since they are not visibly labelled. Political decisions are needed both nationally and within the EU to end the production of cage eggs.
−We have been promised a comprehensive EU ban on cages, following the successful citizen initiative End the Cage Age. It seems likely that this will happen, but it appears it will take several years. It would be quite embarrassing if Sweden doesn’t lead the way, concludes Benny Andersson.
In 2024, Swedish legislation was also updated to align with EU laws, which led to at least one egg producer with cages shutting down their operations. Until spring 2024, it was possible to get exemptions from minimum size requirements. Project 1882 has promoted the legislative update this year by submitting consultation responses and will continue advocating for a cage ban to phase out the remaining cages.
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