Project 1882
17 October 2024

Systematic animal cruelty in Sweden’s chicken slaughterhouses

For the third consecutive year, Project 1882 has compiled an overview of all animal welfare violations found at Sweden’s four largest chicken slaughterhouses. The findings reveal systematic animal cruelty, with 80 % of inspection reports indicating violations of the current legislation. Project 1882 strongly condemns the ongoing suffering and calls for urgent systemic change.

By requesting inspection reports from the Swedish Food Agency and the County Administrative Boards, where the four largest chicken factory farms in Sweden are located, Project 1882 has compiled an overview of all violations of the animal welfare legislation for 2023. The assessment reveals that 80 % of the inspection reports contain serious animal welfare violations and that chicken factory farms in Sweden have caused horrific suffering, including clamped wings and heads, and high mortality during transport. It is the same type of violations identified in 2021 and 2022 when Project 1882 conducted similar assessments. Still, there is a large number of uncategorized cases as many have been kept confidential by the authorities. In total, at least 125,000 Frankenchickens have been caused suffering deemed criminal before their deaths. 

– It is outrageous that chicken factory farms get to continue their operations year after year with such significant animal welfare violations. This systematic cruelty must be stopped and the most impactful way to combat this suffering is for consumers to keep chickens off their plates, says Benny Andersson, CEO of Project 1882. 

Chickens, still alive, found in the trash 

Unlike in previous years, the authorities have kept almost all violations confidential. But from what is not masked, it is still possible to ascertain that the most common animal welfare violations for chickens during 2023 were during transport. It means that transportation of injured or sick Frankenchickens has happened and that suffering during transport, including clamped wings and heads, has been common. As in previous years, authorities also found violations related to slaughter. Several inspection reports address issues with stunning and slaughter, with chickens found improperly bled at least three times across two slaughterhouses. This means they may have been scalded alive. Additionally, two slaughterhouses had live chickens discovered in trash among dead ones. 

– I am shocked and appalled that our investigation has revealed similar animal welfare violations three years in a row. Chickens suffer immensely, and the largest chicken factory farms consistently fail to adhere to animal welfare legislation, says Benny Andersson.

Violations by chicken slaughterhouses in 2023 

Kronfågel AB

Kronfågel AB, owned by international Scandi Standard, have caused suffering during transport, but also several violations during the bleeding process after stunning – that may have resulted in chickens being scalded alive.  

The brand operates the largest slaughterhouse in Sweden, where approximately 55 million Frankenchickens are slaughtered each year. They have had the highest percentage of violations of all inspections compared to the other chicken slaughterhouses, with about 89 % of reports showing violations.  

Read more here.


Guldfågeln AB

Guldfågeln AB, and Torsåsen Fågelprodukter which supplies meat to the Guldfågeln brand, have mainly had violations during the year regarding high mortality during transport and severe burns under the chickens’ feet. Inspections also revealed instances of improper euthanasia, raising concerns that some chickens may have been scalded alive. About 74 % of inspection reports indicated violations.  

Guldfågeln owns the second largest chicken slaughterhouse in Sweden, and the brand cause the death of approximately 40 million Frankenchickens each year. The brand uses electrical water bath stunning, a method that carries significant risks for the chickens. 

Read more here.


Atria Sverige AB

Atria Sverige AB has been the chicken slaughterhouse where the highest number of individual chickens have been subjected to animal welfare violations last year, with some indications that chickens have been at risk of being scalded alive. In previous assessments, Atria had the lowest rate of violations but has now surpassed Guldfågeln, with around 76 % of inspection reports showing violations.  

Atria operates the third-largest chicken slaughterhouse in Sweden and uses the problematic electrical water bath stunning. 

Read more here.

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Nanna Thydén

Nanna Thydén

Press Coordinator