Project 1882

Animals in zoos

In zoos, animals are held captive in confined spaces for the purpose of acting as ambassadors of their species. This exposes wild animals to suffering. It does not have to be this way.

Project 1882 advocates for limiting zoos by:

  • Informing the public about why animals should not be seen as entertainment and what one can do about it.
  • Putting pressure on politicians and authorities in questions regarding animals. For example, Project 1882 advocates for limiting the amount of animal species in captivity by a positive list.

The problems with zoos

Zoos exist primarily because humans want to look at animals close up, in a way that is both cheap and convenient. This is seldom admitted, instead their main purpose is claimed to be for the preservation of endangered species and for education. Protecting animals in their natural habitats, and teaching children about animals in a better way in schools, would be better solutions than keeping wild animals in cages. In some cases a breeding program in captivity might be necessary, but in those cases the animals should not be exhibited to the public. Allowing spectators to come close to wild animals in captivity often causes stress, which can impair the success of breeding.(1)

Behavioural disturbances

Living in a zoo deprives animals of their freedom and entails several threats to their health and wellbeing. Confined spaces and insufficient amounts of stimuli can lead to stereotypical behaviours, in other words, behavioural disturbances. For instance, rocking from side to side, pacing or walking in circles. This can affect animals who cannot exhibit their natural behaviours in captivity, such as animals belonging to species that roam across vast areas in the wild, like elephants(2) or dolphins.

In addition, many of the species of animals kept at zoos in Nordic countries are adapted to a completely different climate than the one they are kept in. Because of this, these animals are kept inside during the winter season, further limiting their environment.(3, 4) Examples of species like this are elephants and chimpanzees.

Recurring scandals

Almost every year at least one scandal occurs at one of the zoos in the country you live in. It can be anything from animals escaping, named individuals killed in cold blood or zookeepers killed by the animals in their care. During 2022 the scandals in Sweden were so many that it led to large investigations in the media,(5) where Project 1882 was able to make comments on what changes need to be made. The execution of the endangered chimpanzees Santino, Manda, Torsten and Linda in December 2022, has prompted more people to question the societal value of zoos. Long before his death, Santino had begun protesting against visitors looking at him – by throwing rocks at them.(6)

  1. Carlstead K. (1999) Black Rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) in U.S. Zoos: Behaviour, Breeding success and Mortality in Relation to Housing facilities. Zoo Biology 18: 35–52.
  2. Clubb R. & Mason G. (2002) A review of the welfare of zoo elephants in Europe. A report commissioned by the RSPCA.
  3. Bashaw M. J. (2001) A survey assessment of variables related to stereotypy in captive giraffes and okapi. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 73: 235–247.
  4. Rees P. A. (2004) Low environmental temperature causes an increase in stereotypic behaviour in captive Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). Journal of Thermal Biology 20: 37–43.
  5. SVT [Swedish Television] (2022) Website: Page accessed 2024-11-25.
  6. SVT [Swedish Television] (2012) Website: Page accessed 2024-11-25.