Project 1882

European Commission: Keep your promises to the animals 

Billions of animals in Europe suffer each year. Nowhere in the world are there more animals, than on factory farms. They are treated as products, even though they are sentient individuals with their own interests and needs. 

Billions of animals in Europe suffer each year. Nowhere in the world are there more animals, than on factory farms. They are treated as products, even though they are sentient individuals with their own interests and needs. 

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Current campaigns

Project 1882 makes a difference globally for the animals that are the most exploited and suffer the worst. Take action for the animals too through our current campaigns and petitions below.


European Commission: Keep your promises to the animals

To the European Commission: It's time to improve European animal welfare. Billions of animals in Europe suffer each year. Nowhere in the world are there more animals, than on factory farms. They are treated as products, even though they are sentient individuals with their own interests and needs. 

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For the Animals – Euro Tour 2024

The upcoming years carry immense importance for the billions of animals confined within Europe’s factory farms. With the European tour “For the Animals”, Project 1882 aims to shed light on the situation of these animals and raise awareness among both EU citizens and policymakers. 

Read more about Euro Tour 2024

Ban octopus farming!

The world's first commercial octopus factory is about to open in Spain. Octopuses are sentient creatures that would face great suffering in captivity. We are now calling on the EU Commission to ban the breeding of octopuses throughout the EU.

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European Commission: Keep your promises to the animals

To the European Commission: It's time to improve European animal welfare. Billions of animals in Europe suffer each year. Nowhere in the world are there more animals, than on factory farms. They are treated as products, even though they are sentient individuals with their own interests and needs.

European Commission: Keep your promises to the animals

8 585 signatures - Now we're going for 10 000!

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The most recent signatures - Together we change the world!


- Tan Pavari

I want to sign the petition

- alessia top

Promises are to fulfil! For all animals rights and animals welfare!

- Isabel Abreu

It's time for do that you tell us!

- Daniel García Garcia

Because Animal Welfare has to change and really ensure that animals are in good conditions

- Belen Nunez Serrano

The animals must have good lifes and we must show them respekt.

- Birgitta Persson

As many others I would try to help these poor animals. They should have lives as are good for them and nobody should think on the moneys they can earn instead of good and lives which give happines to the animals.

- Birgitta Persson

Perché gli animali sono esseri viventi come noi e anzi più di noi, più empatici, più buoni, più umani. Non meritano tutto il dolore che gli stiamo causando da anni anni e anni

- Giulia Troie

Animals deserve better conditions and respect

- Casey Moore